
(14 résultats trouvés)

Affichage des résultats 1-12 de 14
  • adelphi

    Independent think-and-do tank in Europe for climate, environment and development
  • African Plant Nutrition Institute (APNI)

    Innovating plant nutrition for a resilient and food-secure Africa
  • Biovision Africa Trust

    Food secure African continent with healthy people living in healthy environment

    Science for humanity's greatest challenges.

    Tracking climate change around the world

    Science of discovery to science of delivery
  • J-PAL

    Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab
  • Organization page

    your tagline
  • The PASET Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund

    Africa's first Pan-African science fund

    Reseau des Jeunes pour le Developpement et le Leadership au Tchad
  • The EdTech Hub

    Research and innovation to fulfil the potential of EdTech