
Startup Innovation Community


nHub plays a leadership role in nurturing dialogue, disseminating knowledge and re-wiring the ecosystem through different community based efforts that are geared towards building a generation of new entrepreneurs, software developers and an army of skilled and employable young people matching industry needs in priority sectors.

We believe technology is a catalyst for growth and that client satisfaction is driven by best and timely services.

We are focus on empowering entrepreneurs on their journey to build great ideas out of little or nothing, we work with Start-ups at every stage of maturity to provide the tools, resources, knowledge and expertise they need to succeed.

We help Start-ups scale their businesses, bring innovative services to the market and reach new customers through our connections. Our work span from conceiving ideas, trainings, incubation, collaboration and creation of services.


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Location Jos, Nigeria
Targets Nigeria
Sectors EdTech, HealthTech, ICT

