Ngwana Enterprises

Botswana’s first and only pre-seed startup accelerator


The Ngwana Africa Accelerator is Botswana’s first and only pre-seed startup accelerator. Since 2011, we have helped over 1200 +entrepreneurs get the first focus and support needed to build a technology business that matter.

Ngwana Enterprises develops education, technology and entrepreneurship to empower young, ambitious people to enable them to become productive members of society and lead their communities into prosperity.

We do this through;

  • Connect entrepreneurs with financing and assistance
  • Help job seekers choose the right careers
  • Spur regional investment in job-creating SMEs
  • Boost employability skills among young people
  • Advocate job-creating governmental policies
  • Advise corporations on youth-friendly CSR practice
  • Advise corporations on Corporate Entrepreneurship Responsibility
  • Change regional mind-sets on youth and work
  • Commission practical, action-oriented research
  • Build the capabilities of youth organizations
  • Promotion of Green Business & Green Sustainability Solutions in SMEs
  • Connect Investment between Chambers of Commerce, Investment Authorities and SMEs


Location Botswana
Targets Botswana
Sectors Sector agnostic
