Educall (Education For All) – The story of Yassine EttayalYassine Ettayal dreamt of becoming an engineer. Being a social entrepreneur wasn’t his objective at the beginning. The course of his life events led him to Enactus, a Moroccan student Social Entrepreneurship incubator and accelerator and also a MedUp! project partner. There Yassine was introduced for the first time to the concept of social entrepreneurship.… Lire plus
BC Distribution – The story of Hugues and MohamedHugues Blin and Mohamed Ali Chebil were both working in the oil and gas sector in Tunisia and Congo. They were not satisfied with the negative environmental and social impacts of their jobs. Instead, they wished to turn to something that could match their moral values: “I saw things that I no longer wanted to… Lire plus
Live Love Recycle – The story of Georges BitarGeorges Bitar, from Lebanon, was living in Mozambique, where he was earning a good salary and yet he was not satisfied with his life. He decided to return to Lebanon, and everything changed when he suddenly took up a mission that he felt was calling him to action. “In 2015 I decided to come back… Lire plus
Bookagri – The story of Rudaina HaddadRudaina Haddad was one of the first women tour guides in Jordan. She soon realized the limits of the classical “tourist package” offered to visitors in Jordan, mainly consisting of visiting archaeological sites. In fact, she felt that, somehow, she was contributing to a type of tourism that marginalizes the local population and fails to… Lire plus