This call for projects from the LuxAid Challenge Fund aims to support companies proposing innovations on the following two thematic axes: distance learning and food safety. Projects submitted will thus have to present an innovation that has already been proven from a technical point of view and with a certain number of customers. Through the project, the company will be expected to strengthen the commercialization of the product/service on the market and increase its impact on the target audience;
Distance learning

Promoting the economic autonomy of individuals as well as the socio-economic development of a country, education, training and employability are essential vectors for reducing poverty and improving the living conditions of communities. According to 2022 UNICEF data, in all three countries, between 35% and 50% of school-age children do not attend school nationwide, with a much higher rate among children from poorer households and rural areas. In addition, ongoing violence and insecurity in the region have led to the closure of thousands of schools – in Burkina Faso alone, in 2022 more than one million children were deprived of access to education due to the closure of 6,000 schools.
Also, according to the International Labour Office (ILO) (2023), more than one in four young people in Africa – around 72 million – are not in employment, education or training (NEET) – the majority of them young women, and 34% of people over the age of 15 remain illiterate. As a result, the quality of the workforce remains low and often unsuitable, threatening the stability of countries and hence their development. Despite this alarming situation, technical and vocational education and training (TVET) remains an area of low political priority, as reflected by an enrollment rate of just 6% in secondary education..
The call for projects targets innovations in distance learning, such as :
- affordable solutions based on existing technologies, familiar to learners, used in new ways ;
- solutions that encourage peer-to-peer learning and/or the sharing of technological resources;
- innovative approaches and business models for widespread offline distribution of digital content;
- the development and dissemination of new participative and inclusive, learner-centered training methodologies, involving the whole community in the provision and support of education ;
- solutions focused on training trainers, developing educational content and tools locally, and sharing such resources;
- the use of socio-culturally adapted teaching aids such asserious games, comics, cartoons, silent media or vernacular languages.
The projects supported can contribute to different outcomes, for example:
- improved quality and availability of distance learning and educational programs and materials, including vocational training (especially for remote communities) ;
- better access to vocational and technical education and training,
- increased enrolment and success rates ;
- better learning results;
- a better rate of professional integration.
Food safety

It is estimated that global demand for food will increase by 70% by 2050. The Sahel remains one of the most vulnerable and food-insecure regions in the world, driven by high population growth and urbanization, as well as an agri-food industry struggling to modernize and meet needs. By way of illustration, one-fifth of children in Senegal remain chronically malnourished, and half of calorific needs are covered by imports.
In the face of rising demand, climate change and more complex and expensive supply chains will further limit access to food in the Sahel.
LuxAid Challenge Fund therefore aims to support companies proposing innovative solutions or approaches that strengthen the resilience of national / local food systems, for example:
- the development of new value chains with a direct impact on food safety, such as the industrialization of products with high nutritional, economic or environmental value, the valorization of waste or by-products, etc.);
- development of alternative protein production (high protein/ha);
- the development of innovative approaches to food production (hydroponics, fermentation, vertical or integrated farms, precision farming);
- integrating carbon credits into business models;
- new approaches and technologies for the management, production, storage, processing, preservation (mitigating the effects of overproduction and underproduction in production cycles that are highly seasonal), and distribution (platform approaches, sharing economy, local production) of agri-food products;
- the development of agro-ecological production systems that respect the environment and consumer health;
- solutions to boost production resilience, particularly in the insurance sector.
Solutions with positive environmental externalities that increase resilience against the impact of climate change are particularly sought after. The projects supported will be able to contribute to different outcomes, pfor example:
- increased crop yields;
- increasing the efficiency of productive capacity;
- improving caloric intake for the target population;
- reducing pre-harvest and post-harvest food losses;
- crop diversification for reasons of changing consumer trends or in response to the impact of climate change;
- reducing child and maternal malnutrition and overconsumption of foods that contribute to chronic disease.