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Instituto de Promoción Humana Nicaragua
We have a presence in the IV and V districts of Managua and in the municipality of Tipitapa. Also, in different 34 neighborhoods of Masaya. Our fundamental pillar is the work with the girls, children, Nicaraguan adolescents in conjunction with their families to generate effective and lasting changes in the time that allows them to recognize and strengthen their capacities.
Our Projects contribute to human rights and citizen participation.
The project Prevention of the Irregular Migration of Children in Central America CONFIG, has as its main objective to decrease or avoid the negative effects of migration, with emphasis on irregular migration that places migrants and the whole family, both to the one who stays in the country of origin, and to the one that goes to the country of destination, in a situation of vulnerability and at risk of their human rights being violated, above all, the rights of the Children and adolescents who are doubly affected.
Children, adolescents and their families have managed to improve their self-esteem, have encouraged respect and the promotion of gender equality. Similarly, communication between parents, mothers, sons and daughters became more assertive; each person recognized their rights as citizens of Nicaragua.
The INPRHU-Managua Institute of Human Promotion with the support of Church World Services (CWS) in the framework of the project “Supporting and Empowering Children and Vulnerable Mothers in Nicaragua” provides access to comprehensive support services to develop their resilience, emotional recovery and empowerment
The project aims to contribute to the reduction of gender-based violence against girls, adolescents and young women in Nicaragua. In this sense, various actions have been developed to ensure the well-being and integral development of the target populations.
The Institute of Human Promotion (INPRHU) is developing its model of intervention in partnership with the Canadian Christian Fund in Masaya through the Community Development Program based on the rights of children and adolescents.
The program promotes community development and a safe place. In addition to the protection of the family, social actors in coordination with the local government in the neighborhoods Las Torres, Hilario Sánchez and Benedict Valverde of the 4th District of the city of Managua.