International Certificate in Sustainable Entrepreneurship from IMPACT HUB Latam

International Certificate in Sustainable Entrepreneurship led by IMPACT HUB LATAM, a global network of high-impact ventures

Who are we?

  • An innovation lab and business incubator for impact companies.
  • A unique ecosystem of resources, inspiration, and global collaboration opportunities to increase the positive impact of entrepreneurs.
  • A space and a diverse community that inspires, connects, articulates, and enables the development of world-class ideas.


Sustainable entrepreneurship academic training program with the goal to acquire knowledge of sustainable project training through project-based learning.

BENEFITS of being a part of the program

We are looking to impact the lives of more than a thousand people

Practical training

Eight weeks of training in modules that gives structure your idea as a sustainable entrepreneurship

Connections and opportunities

By being a participant you can use our networks such as Impact Hubs to connect with more opportunities, for example, other calls, investment opportunities, strategic allies etc.


As a participant you will have access to the Community App of Impact Hub Global so you can communicate directly with the network of entrepreneurs with the greatest impact in the world.



Every Saturday you will connect to a two-hour live webinar led by Impact Hub expert on the topic. In each webinar you will have spaces to interact with other program participants.

Practical exercises

In each webinar you will be working with various tools for the purpose that you can apply to your initiative. You would have time during and after the webinars to practice using this tool.

Q & A session

Every Wednesday the or the facilitator/a will connect to a live to answer questions and questions about the topic presented to you to ask for your specific questions.


After the Q & A session we provide an hour of networking with all participants and special guests.

  • Each module

a webinar led by Impact Hub expert on the topic.

  • webinars are live, you need to connect to see them.
  • Each webinar takes between one and two hours.



Registration: until June 6

Webinars, practices, Q & A, and networking: June 21 until the first week of September

Close: September 6


June 6, 2021
Program dates Jun 21-Sep 4, 2021
Organizer IMPACT HUB – Latin America
Website Visit website
Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela
Sectors Sector agnostic
SDG (1)
17. Partnerships to achieve the Goal
