Ariob Incubator

We believe in catapulting underserved communities to the innovation frontlines


The Ariob Incubator is a 5-month, cohort-based, startup support program designed to boost the growth of high potential startups through professional business consulting, training, market linkage opportunities, and seed investments.

We believe in catapulting underserved communities to the front lines of innovation through decentralized blockchain adoption. Ariob, meaning a collection of stars in the ancient, African language of Ge’ez, was symbolically chosen to distinguish both the promise within the incubator program and the continent itself.

The Ariob Incubator program intends to evolve these experiments into the most competitive Africa-centered Catalyst startups. The purpose of the Ariob incubator will be to drive the growth of Project Catalyst startups that are based in Africa itself or focused on the African market using the Cardano blockchain system. Following in the footsteps of Cardano’s deal with the Ethiopian government to establish a national database for student education records, this initiative further cements IOHK’s commitment to solving the continent’s development challenges through blockchain adoption.

What We Offer

  • Startup Diagnosis: Series of meetings and activities with startups to understand what is at the core of each organization. Breaking the business down into smaller pieces, while working with the whole team to make it better.
  • Bootcamps: Tailored, practical, short, and intensive training courses.
  • Strategy Sessions:A combination of scheduled and ad-hoc coaching, mentorship meetings, and tech auditing.
  • Showcase and Investment Pitching Events where startups show their progress and pitch to investors.
  • Finance and Investment:Consultancy on financial proposal development, investment cost breakdown, cost/benefit analysis, and more.
  • Market and Management:Consultancy on marketing research and analysis, marketing strategy development, marketing management, and business management.
  • Legal and Administrative services:Legal advisory on business license and registration, legal documentation, human resource management, and procurements procedures.


June 30, 2022
Website Visit website
Targets Ethiopia
Sectors Sector agnostic
