We recently launched the Inclusive Business Accelerator, an initiative of VC4Africa, BoP Innovation Center, SNV and Nyenrode Business School. Entrepreneurs who are working in low-income markets can now apply for a special online bootcamp on marketing and distribution starting in March. The registration period has started and the deadline for applications is February 15th.The topic of the online bootcamp is ‘marketing and distribution to the BoP’, as behavioural change and last mile distribution are key to setting up a successful business with low-income groups. The target group of the bootcamp is entrepreneurs who are working on innovative products in rapidly expanding sectors such as sustainable energy, food/agriculture and water/sanitation.The participants will learn from the best inclusive business cases, have the chance to strengthen their capabilities and use a variety of tools to develop a marketing and distribution strategy. In a 4-week period (starting on March 9) the applicants will interact with inclusive business experts and participants from businesses around the world.The registration period for the IB Accelerator bootcamp started January 15th and will close on February 15th. Participants need to be a member of the IB Accelerator platform, which is free. For more information and to register go to: http://iba.ventures/bootcampInclusive Business AcceleratorThe powerful model of inclusive business is creating jobs and income, as well as access to quality basic products and services for low-income communities. The IB Accelerator is designed to both consolidate and scale-up private sector engagement in low-income markets, with the ultimate ambition to establish inclusive business as a standard way of doing business in emerging economies.The IB Accelerator consists of three elements; the online, the global and the local pillars create a one-stop shop for businesses and enable them to innovate, grow, replicate, leverage and improve their inclusive business strategy. Current local offices in the network are in Vietnam, Mozambique and Uganda.The founding partners of the IB Accelerator are BoP Innovation Center, SNV, VC4Africa and Nyenrode Business School, four organizations operating internationally and with a wealth of experience in coaching social entrepreneurs all around the world.For more information and to register go to: http://iba.ventures/bootcampbootcampentrepreneursIBAInclusive Business AcceleratorJoinsocial