Global Social Impact Investments

Interested in improving the livelihoods of the bottom billion


Global Social Impact, GSI, was founded in 2018 on the belief that private investment and entrepreneurial talent can provide solutions to the pressing social challenges of the most disfavored and, at the same time, achieve a financial return.

Approved by CNMV in 2020, Global Social Impact Investments SGIIC SAU
(part of Santa Comba Group) is the consolidation of our project.

We are led by a team with over 20 years’ average experience in investment and philanthropy, supported by an advisory board with well-known investors and philanthropists. We have developed solid partnerships along the way.

We do Impact investments are made into companies, organizations, and funds with the intention of generating measurable social and environmental impact alongside a financial return.


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Location Madrid, Spain
Targets Spain, Sub-Saharan Africa
Agribusiness, Clean technology and energy, Education, Financial services, Healthcare, Retail and wholesale, Water, sanitation and hygiene
SDG (4)
1. No Poverty, 10. Reduced Inequality, 17. Partnerships to achieve the Goal, 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth