Ghana Climate Innovation Centre Incubation Programme

Grow your green business with us


The GCIC supports entrepreneurs and new ventures in Ghana involved in developing profitable and locally-appropriate solutions to climate change mitigation and adaptation. To be eligible to apply to the GCIC, the business should fall into one of the following 5 sub sectors:

Energy Efficiency

Ghana’s power sector continues to face difficulties in closing its supply shortfall; energy efficiency solutions provide an immediate step to fixing this problem, and could save the country millions annually.

Main applications:

Lighting, Appliances, HVAC, Energy Efficient Manufacturing, Transmission & Distribution, Clean Cook Stoves and Fuels

Domestic Waste Management

Increasing population with its resultant increased waste production in Ghana has outpaced the country’s capacity for effective waste management. Innovative solutions to domestic waste management can bridge this capacity gap and lead to cleaner environments and healthier citizens.

Main applications:

Recycling, E-Waste Management, Biogas Generation, Biomass Power

Water Management and Purification

With a population of 27 million, about 23 million of Ghana’s people do not have access to improved sanitation, and 3 million do not have access to safe drinking water. Solutions to this challenge could greatly reduce related diseases and mortality.

Main applications:

Waste Water Treatment, Portable Water, Water Use Efficiency, Waste Water Recycling, Desalination, Rain Water Harvesting, Efficient Irrigation

Climate Smart Agriculture

Despite the abundance of resources for agric production, Ghana remains a net importer of food with dated production methods and inefficient value chains. Climate adaptation solutions to agriculture will improve production and increase the resiliency of especially small farmers to climate change.

Main applications:

New Resilient Crops/Seeds, Water/Energy Efficient Agri-Machinery/Equipment, Water/Energy Efficient Irrigation Systems, Climate Friendly/Energy Efficient Food Processing, Bio Pesticides & Fertilizers, Agricultural Waste Management

Solar Energy

Solar as a resource is abundant throughout Ghana. With up to 3000hrs of sunshine per annum, solar solutions could effectively supplement on-grid solutions and offer new opportunities to off-grid populations.

Main applications:

Offgrid/Distributed Solar PV, Solar PV MW, Concentrated Solar PV MW, Solar Thermal MW, Solar Thin Film, Solar IT

Ghana Climate Innovation Centre Incubation Programme

Ghana Climate Innovation Centre Incubation Programme


March 19, 2018
Website Visit website
Targets Ghana
Clean technology and energy, Renewable energy, Solar power, Waste management and recycling, Water, sanitation and hygiene

