Heating, Ventilation , Air Conditioning

After the successful years with Elan Expo’s experience in HVACR sector, and
lengthy discussions with the industry regarding the need for a focused HVACR
event in Nairobi- Kenya, we have responded and will launch MEGA CLIMA EAST
AFRICA from 27-29 August 2019. East Africa’s capital and main financial hub,
Nairobi will provide the perfect platform to take the event to a higher level.

Offered products at the event :

Air conditioner units | Fans | Fancoils | Recuperators | Airfilters | Airducts | HeatpumpsBurners | Boilers | Interior
heaters | Wallhung boilers | Alternative& renewable energy | Hotwater heaters | Stoves | Electricheaters Chillers | Cooling towers | Close-circuit liquid refrigeration system |Cold
rooms | Refrigerationcompressors | Refrigerationcomponents Installation components | Lpg and lng
systems | Radiators | Pipes |Valves | Pumps | Boosters | Installationarmatures | Watercounters |Fittings | Storages | Fire
installation components


Aug 27 - 10:00-Aug 29, 2019 - 18:00
OrganizerElan Expo
Website Visit website
Location Kenyatta International Convention Centre
Harambee Ave, Nairobi City, Kenya
Burundi, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Sectors Construction