Critical Distance

Build successful strategies to get attention from international media

I work with young disruptive teams within organizations to help them shape their strategies to adapt to changes. I work on several levels:

  • I help others to understand current disruptive innovations, relevant to the client’s business. I work specifically in high-tech sectors, renewable energy and media.
  • I lead teams in the development and implementation of innovation strategies
  • I help young disruptive teams design and build their pitch for “demo day”. Because everyday is demo day! That means a lot of listening, shaping and journalistic due diligence on their company story. 
  • I help change a simple pitch into a more effective business narrative that investors understand. Recently asked to apply what I’ve learned with successful startups to the innovation teams within Fortune 500 corporates. 

I’m a “hands on person”, actively writing, scripting, filming, directing and editing when needed. I lead a process until the job is done. I’m always scouting for brilliant collaborators.

I share ideas through selected public speaking, either keynotes or focussed in-company workshops. 

I’ve learned that routine is the enemy of change. 

My portfolio of recent clients includes tech-startups, private corporations, governments, leading broadcasters and enlightened publishers.

What do others say I do well?

  • Trusted troubleshooter – Sometimes you need a trusted person to listen, observe and analyze what’s going on. I’m a good listener.
  • Strategic Thinking – Driving out old ideas and replacing them with practical, hybrid, alternatives.
  • Building powerful open ended narratives with talented teams. Storytelling 2.0 
  • Interim Leadership. Planning, doing, evaluating, curating
  • Translating theory and customer/audience research into practice
  • Inspiring creative people down new paths, even if difficult choices have to be made.
  • Researching, especially confidential competitive analysis


Targets Kenya, Nigeria, Seychelles, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda
Clean technology, Creative, media and entertainment, EdTech, Electronics, HealthTech, Renewable energy, Telecom
