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Social and Business Co-Creation, Fostering win-win collaborations
Since 2011, Ashoka – one of the world’s largest networks of social entrepreneurs and Boehringer Ingelheim – a family-owned world leading and research-driven Pharmaceutical company, have collaborated to create and grow the global initiative – Making More Health (MMH).
Making More Health brings together the best experience in social innovation and global healthcare to improve health-care access for people, animals and their communities around the world.
The MMH Accelerator is a structured, 11-month business accelerator program offered under the MMH Initiative that supports social entrepreneurs with well-established startups in the health space with an opportunity to strengthen and scale their work via the reach and operations of a multinational healthcare company through co-creation. Through the MMH Accelerator, participants are provided with tailored access to expertise and capacity building to unlock their next phase of growth.
A unique feature of the program is its co-creation approach – which involves participating social entrepreneurs working hand-in-hand with Boehringer Ingelheim employees to collaboratively design and implement relevant interventions.
At the end of the accelerator, social entrepreneurs with successful interventions will have the opportunity to present their solutions to Boehringer Ingelheim’s leadership team as well as social investors to attract further investment.
Social entrepreneurs with well-established startups in animal health or human health with a focus on diabetes and hypertension or related complications are encouraged to apply, if their organizations meet the following criteria;
# At least two years old (3-5 years preferred)# Fully registered legal entity in countries of interest (Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria)# Revenues of at least USD 50K# Team of at least 8# Able to dedicate at least one full-time resource and at least 4 hours a week of executive leadership time.# Potential to create shared-value through collaborative innovation and project execution.# Disruptive potential of innovation.# Strategic partnership potential.
1. Trainings (both virtual and in-person) on business growth and scaling strategies, investor engagement and pitching, tailored to the strategic needs of your organization. 2. Access to technical expertise (in-person) in finance, strategy, operations, information technology, marketing and social investing among others to help you address strategic capacity gaps specific to your organization.3. Access to strategic networks including: social investors, leading social entrepreneurs in the health care space and executive team members from Boehringer Ingelheim and Ashoka. 4. Funding of up to Euros 50k in cash plus additional in-kind expertise valued at Euros 100k. 5. Investor engagement support including preparation of investor engagement materials and facilitated access to investors.
Step Timeline
Due date for application 15th February, 2019
Round one interviews 11th Jan – 28th February, 2019
Due Diligence 16th February – 16th March, 2019
Panel Interviews 28th March, 2019
Admission 8th April, 2019