To see Africa’s people flourishing


African Summit on Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ASENTI) is a Pan African annual forum that gathers diverse stakeholders such as; Entrepreneurs, scholars, innovators, SMEs, MMEs, Start-ups, investors, governments and private sectors for an intensive interactive deliberation on entrepreneurship and innovation in Africa. It is a platform where Industry leaders and influencers meet to share knowledge on business, Innovation and connect with African start-ups, policy makers, Health innovators, Agri-preneurs, Fintech, Education and Technology, green energy and climate change and scholars. ASENTI has been hosted in different countries across Africa over the past 9 years.

ASENTI is a platform that creates opportunities to deliberate and generate innovative solutions that are practically translated into business opportunities and implemented policies. The summit to network with key stakeholders from African start-ups and tech innovation ecosystem.


To transform individual lives in Africa from all economic, cultural and social background for economic prosperity by fostering the culture of Entrepreneurship and Innovation for a competitive global market.


To see Africa’s people flourishing and their lives holistically transformed through Innovative mind-set, well established business policies, entrepreneurial culture and economic empowerment for better living standards.


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Targets Africa
Sectors Sector agnostic


  • ASENTI 2024

    by ASENTI

    Africa Innovating For Sustainable Future And Beyond

