AHIA’s African Bio Innovator Series

Part 1: So you have an idea, now what?


Bio Innovator Series: You have an idea, now what?

It can be overwhelming to know where to start your entrepreneurial journey. Should you start with market research? A business plan? Intellectual property protection?

Join Charlie Goetz, Emory Professor of Entrepreneurship, and innovators from Uganda and Ghana to learn what to watch out for as you start your journey. The panel will explore the different stages of entrepreneurism: ‘idea stage’, ‘pre-launch’ stage, and ‘launch’ stage and the pitfalls to avoid in each.

  • Maureen Etuket,Co-Founder, Chief Marketing Officer @Principality MedTech

  • Yaw Bediako, Founder, Chief Executive Officer @Yemaachi Biotech

  • Moderated by Professor Charles Goetz, Senior Lecturer in Organization & Management and Distinguished Lecturer in Entrepreneurship, Emory University

AHIA (Advancing Healthcare Innovation in Africa) is an interdisciplinary program at Emory University that supports innovators addressing unmet healthcare needs in Africa. Specifically, AHIA advises, educates, and trains African innovators in the business and legal aspects of entrepreneurship. AHIA has operated since 2015 and supported over 35 innovators.
The Advancing Healthcare Innovation in Africa in partnership with the Africa Bio is hosting a series of webinars on relevant business and law topics to help African bio-innovators grow in the next step of their journey.
CO-SPONSOR: BIOAfrica, a program of AfricaBio

  • 9:00AM EDT
  • 2:00PM GMT
  • 3:00PM WAT
  • 4:00PM CAT
  • 5:00PM EAT


Jan 21, 2021: 9:00 - 10:30
Website Visit website
Location Online
Targets Africa
Sectors Biotechnology and medical research, Healthcare

