Game change startups.
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Accelerate innovation from seed to execution
Rejoignez la 3ème édition du Prix Innovate 4 Tomorrow !Ayming, leader du Conseil en Performance de l’innovation souhaite récompenser les projets d’excellence menés par des PME ou startups qui innovent pour un monde plus durable et responsable.
Vous travaillez sur une solution de développement durable ? Vous contribuez à avoir un impact positif sur la société et l’environnement tout en prenant en compte les problématiques humaines et énergétiques ? Soumettez votre candidature à l’une des problématiques suivantes :
Social et sociétal
Sobriété énergétique et technologique
Nature et biodiversité
C’est l’occasion pour vous d’accélérer la croissance de votre entreprise, de gagner en visibilité et de nouer des relations avec de nouveaux partenaires et clients.
Si vous êtes sélectionné vous aurez accès à de nombreuses opportunités telles que :
1 séjour tous frais compris à Las Vegas et 1 corner pour présenter votre solution au CES, le premier salon consacré à l’innovation technologique
1 corner à VivaTech à Paris, le plus gros salon tech d’Europe
1 an d’accompagnement par Ayming + 1 diagnostic stratégie sur la propriété intellectuelle par France Brevets
Vous avez jusqu’au 30 novembre pour soumettre votre candidature !
Par Agorize
2500 best minds, 1 epic competition
Power to schale
A technology and engineering initiative
Are you ready to innovate, inspire, and make an impact on a global stage?
Gain access to co-development opportunities
Shape the future and turn your AI vision into reality
This is your chance to accelerate your entrepreneurial journey
Turn your ideas into real-world solutions
If your startup has an innovative solution for green digital, we want to hear fr
Crafting tomorrow’s FinTech today
Embark on your global startup journey at the 8th edition of SLINGSHOT
Startups, let's create the factory of tomorrow together!
Where logistics meet sustainability
Elevate the African Cup of Nations Experience
Building the defence and security of tomorrow
Reinvent the face of modern urbanization and homes across Europe
Let's improve the sustainability of biotech and vaccine production worldwide.
Asia’s most exciting deep tech startup pitching competition is here!
Championing the brands of tomorrow
Enable possibilities in every drop and accelerate NetZero & Water Stewardship
Develop sustainable and circular innovations to transform the beauty industry
A plastic-free world is possible; bring your innovative ideas!
Participate in Sanofi's #HealthcareAccessChallenge Contest right here!
Create the next collaborative platform for our fans all over Africa
Create a more sustainable future for both Africa and Europe
EDF invites European and African startups, entrepreneurs, and companies
Join us in the fight against e-waste and be part of the solution
Calling out startups and engineers to innovate the automotive industry!
Contribute to the Future of Air Traffic Management with AIR Lab
TCC aims to drive partnerships between corporates and startups or SMEs.
Remodel the concept of the multi-functional printer
Join the innovation contest to give life and soul to the future Terminal 1!
Harness your innovative ideas to create a green future
Build your industry-transforming innovations empowered by HUAWEI CLOUD & Huawei
Together, we are building the future of the ADP Group and its airfields!
Collaborate with financial institutions in Pakistan
An open call for startups with healthcare innovation to raise funding.
An innovative challenge by H&M Foundation
NEC is looking for Healthcare & lifescience, Metaverse, Carbon neutrality!
Le challenge qui récompense les sociétés qui innovent pour la planète.
Help companies achieving Net Zero through Carbon management solutions!
Benefit from the advantages of an incubator with additional business immersion
Lead the evolution of experience for BHP's site-based workforce with BHP
Showcasing the newest & most interesting startups in the cloud, big data & AI
Build your industry-transforming innovations empowered by HUAWEI CLOUD!
Startups, join the innovation revolution of the automobile industry!
Contribute to Identity Management in the Digital Age
Inviting startups with cloud and data solutions to join the Lyve
Thailand's biggest startup event is starting now
Ignite your startup's potential and accelerate your growth with Huawei!
Over $1.2M in Cash Prizes, network with investors, exclusive mentorship
L’Oréal is eager to invite companies with innovative products and solutions
détecter les combattants lors de l’embarquement et du débarquement d'un véhicule
Get fundraising and networking opportunities from QIC
Meet with investors interested in security and defence tech
Care facility startup competition
Expand into new markets through their stores
Revolutionise the future of data storage.
Ensure that the planet we pass on to the next generation will be a better place!
Develop sustainable solutions to restore and protect our environment
Hack.Asia is looking for solutions that can tackle sustainability issues
Showcase your innovative solutions to address on-the-ground operational needs
One of the largest and most popular student innovation challenges on the globe
Startup challenge from JX Nippon Mining & Metals Group
EU-founded Acceleration and Investment Programme
Expand your MedTech and digital health products and solutions with Medtronic
We need your solution to protect the environment and people’s well-being
The Sustainability Open Innovation Challenge (SOIC) 2021 is calling for startups
Can you change the way people like you feel about insuran
Innovative challenge to the world from Saga, Japan, Asian cosmetics cluster
Can your startup contribute to the safety and ANSHIN (peace of mind) of society?
Deeptech startup pitching competition
Fire up your startup and take it to new heights with Huawei!
How can innovative air-conditioning technologies
A challenge to solve real-world business challenges using Azure AI
Participate today and take your startup to new heights!
Use new technologies to reimagine the future of affordable construction !
Create a sustainable society for the next generations!
Drive technological innovation in the global energy sector
Are you a startup with a technological solution to improve the quality of life?
Calling ALL startups!
ADB and AIM are focusing on drumming up solutions for the post-COVID-19 era.
Transform the industry with scalable, sustainable, and environmentally-friendly
AWS Hackdays Online 2020 Build Tomorrow! is now OPEN for applications!