Call for Proposal 2020

Innovation for resilience

Achmea Foundation contributes to the resilience of people whenever they face challenging difficulties in their lives.

Achmea Foundation, as the Corporate Foundation of Achmea, supports innovations that have a clear positive impact on the resilience of vulnerable people in Africa.

We are looking for innovations that strengthen the health care system, access to financial services and the resilience of agricultural activities.

The target group of the proposed projects should be the lower-income segment in Africa. We focus on initiatives that have a strong potential to scale or are financially sustainable now or in the near future. We are interested both in projects in early development stages (“Type 1 proposals”) and in the commercialization/scale up stage (“Type 2 proposals”).

For our investments in 2020, we are looking for a division of our total yearly budget (EUR 3m) between these two types, of which 25% will be devoted to development projects and 75% will be devoted to commercialization scale-up type projects.


January 29, 2020
Program dates Dec 27, 2019: 9:00
Organizer Achmea Foundation
Website Visit website
Targets Sub-Saharan Africa
Sectors Agribusiness, Financial services, Healthcare

