Concurso para micro y pequeña empresa de Costa Rica

Evidencing the business potential of the regions of Costa Rica


The Small and Small Business Entrepreneurship Competition is a program that seeks to demonstrate the business potential of the regions of Costa Rica. It is aimed at entrepreneurs of the Huetar Norte, Brunca and Chorotega Regions that have companies in place and that want to compete in a process with stages of presentation, consulting and elimination, with the objective of selecting companies with high growth potential and that generate greater impact in the regions.

Three regional events will be held for the selection of finalists and a National event where the winners will be chosen.

The entire competition is financed by the Banking System for Development.

The competition is directed to:

  • Micro or small Costa Rican enterprise (Banking System beneficiaries for Development)
  • Companies located in the Regions: North Huetar, Chorotega or Brunca.
  • Companies with sales registration of the product or service.
  • Representatives of the company with leadership role and decision power.
  • Up to a maximum of 2 representatives per company
  • permitted

Completing the registration does not guarantee acceptance of the contest. The participant will receive an email confirming their selection.

Selection Criteria

Below are some of the aspects that will be considered throughout the competition and will be used to evaluate the companies:

  • Companies that have their market denoted and know their business.
  • Innovation.
  • Scalability of the business (potential to grow and market access).
  • Differentiation of the product or service with respect to the competition.
  • Achievements achieved by the company.
  • Financial projections and clarity of investment needs.
  • Working team with relevant experience to implement the business model.
  • Social and/or environmental impact generated by the company.


  • Visibility and networking opportunities.
  • Access to investors.
  • Specialized consulting sessions with INCAE professors.
  • Financial and strategy analysis of the company made by experts.
  • Scholarship for 2 persons per company for the Enterprise Acceleration Program in INCAE during the year 2021.



November 29, 2020
Program dates Jan 12-Feb 25, 2021
Organizer VIVA Idea
Targets Costa Rica
Sectors Sector agnostic

