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Mitigating Climate Challenges
SMEs and startups will participate in a one-week intensive virtual training program that will support companies at the intersection of impact (that is measurable, contextualized, with clear solutions to identified problems), inclusion (entrepreneurs that have deep experience with the problems they seek to address), and investability (sustainable, scalable startups that can drive positive financial and social return).
The African region includes North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa. The Asian region includes the Middle East, South & South East Asia, and Asia Pacific.
You should be an SME or startup in a developing country in Africa or Asia developing or offering products and/or services (ideally technology-enabled) that increase the resilience of target users to the impacts of climate change by either –
The climate resilience and adaptation solutions offered should also strive to be as minimally carbon intensive as possible. Examples include (but are not limited to):
Participating companies will benefit from the following:
Please note that the deadline to apply for the companies is January 31, 2022 at 11:59 PM EST. We will not be able to grant any further extensions beyond this. Opportunities for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) companies coming soon!