Yunga My neighbour, my security!

Cover image of Yunga, Conectividad venture on VC4A



Africa’s Sub-Saharan region is increasingly becoming more insecure, In Uganda alone, Police revealed a 3.3% increase rate in house break-ins and related crime as of 2021, and with the post-covid-19 impact, this rate is expected to double from the previous years.

Meet Yunga,
A local rescue digital network bundled for connected communities in Africa. We leverage #IoT to connect a neighbor to neighbor and a neighbor to law enforcement in case of an attack or emergency.

The community members are organized into groups of 10 households. Each household is connected to a Yunga network.

And By tapping a button from a Yunga device, smartphone, or on any phone, all your neighbors and security agency are notified and called to your rescue instantly in case of an attack or emergency.

Sectores Conectividad, Electrónica, Internet de las cosas (IoT)
Ubicación Kampala, Uganda
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