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YouSaver Savings funds online and pay fo things via instalment upfront

YouSaver is a web and mobile application that with a click of a button allows users to lock up money set a withdrawal date, open sub-saving accounts to help them plan, set targets, budget funds. And it also allows our users to buy things online by means of paying upfront and in instalment method to make it easier for them to buy anything. this is done by integrating YouSaver in some of the major e-commerce stores in Africa.
In the future, YouSaver will expand to the rural part of Africa to educate villager on how to save money offline with YouSaver since there is no internet connection and will connect with all the major e-commerce platform in Africa to enable people to buy things of high price level with ease through instalment payment upfront.

SectorsE-commerce, Financial services, Fintech
LocationAbuja, Nigeria
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