Yhow SolutionsYhow Solutions is a digital educational content sharing platform for higher education institutions. it allows lecturers to easily share course material, videos, reference sites and study guides for their students.Students can benefit from this technology by having easy access to the aggregated contents both from their institution also from different Colleges/Universities in the country.Using Yhow’s App & website enables students to handle the course materials in a convenient time and place.Advantages of using Yhow Solutions: ✓ Increased availability of course materials, ✓ Improved communication and less hassle for students which they can use their time effectively. ✓ News and Updates can be posted regarding their course. ✓ Gives credit & ratings for content creators/lectures ✓ Tips & Tricks of studying ✓ TutorialsSectorsEducational services, Software as a ServiceLocationAddis Ababa, EthiopiaStageSign in to view detailsMarketsSign in to view detailsCustomer modelSign in to view detailsRevenueSign in to view detailsContactSign in to view detailsSocial media