Elija el idioma

WASTE Electrical and Electronic Equipment Centre Securing a green and safe environment through the provision of e-waste


Mr. Boniface Mbithi, Chief Executive Officer
Organizational top management, leadership and planning. LLB Law. Award winning CEO and youth leader .
Mr. Duncan Robert, Finance Manager​
Over 5 years relevant experience in Audit & Assurance in the private sector (Deloitte East Africa), with specific skills in Business Risk, Process controls and Accounting Standards Compliance
Mrs. Simone Andersson, Chief Commercial Officer
Primary role to develop a vision and strategy to keep the organization at the forefront of innovation and outstanding achievement in E-Waste Management. A passionate advocate of sustainable solutions for people and environment in general, focusing on resources often discarded as “waste”.
Mr. Joseph Oliech, Head of Projects
Projects coordination and M&E in Sub Saharan Africa.