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Verdeagua Hydroponic-based healthy food access for urban & rural growers.

The pandemic has shown how vulnerable food systems are, and how food access in urban areas, where 2/3 of the population will live by 2050, requires a resilient and smart approach.
Additionally, with 1-in-4 people who suffer hunger or moderate/severe food insecurity, plus 39% of adults who suffer overweight, and 13% obesity, we know healthy food access & awareness are critical.
Verdeagua tackles the problems above of how to access fresh, healthy, local, sustainably-produced vegetables, through 3 core units: hydroponic-based food kits, academy tailored courses on how to self-grow healthy food, and technology provision for mid-high size growers.
Having sold already +2000 growing kits, and equipped +1200 attendees across 22 countries on how to self-grow food through hydroponics, a technique that saves up to 90% of water and uses 75% less soil, while generating nutritious food, makes us our diverse and interdisciplinary team believe, that we are just starting our food revolution.

Sectores Agritech, E-learning, Importación y exportación
Ubicación Quilmes, Argentina
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