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Upande Limited Smart Management of Assets in Real Time (smart)

Many businesses need much more data on all aspects of their performance in order to get levers with which they can optimise their operations and ultimately increase their profits. This includes loss reduction which in itself can have a huge impact on their profitability. This is where our UpandeERP comes in. All digital records in one safe place, accessible to all key staff.
Some customers need reliable data from the field. This is where Upande Sensors comes in. We bring valuable data on the performance of assets not once a day, but every ten minutes. Through automated alerts (SMS, email, chatbot) we make this data actionable to managers. Through Big Data applications we can start making more sense of these large amounts of data, helping identify trends, make linkages with other data streams and provide integrated information. Our technology pays for itself within a few months, plus greatly boosts profits for our diverse customers.

Sectores Agritech, Software empresarial, Internet de las cosas (IoT)
Ubicación Nairobi, Kenia
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