Umojalands System SaaS for financier digitally connect to farmer data and derisk lending


Name: Tafadzwanashe Gavi
Role: Founder & CEO
Background: honours degree in Banking and Finance
Experience: 3 years of Business Development & lending

Name: Navison Masunda
Role: Co-founder & Finance Executive
Qualification: Honors Degree in Accounting, Certified Chartered Accountant
Years: 3 years in Auditing

Name : Kumbirai Chimukepete
Position: Co-Founder & Communication Officer
Background: computer science at the University of Zimbabwe final year.
Experience: 2 years experience in business strategy

Name: Menashi Mahere
Role: Co-Founder & CTO
Background: Computer Science
Experience: 7 years in Software Developed

Name : Virginia Sibanda
Role: Advisor
Background: Founder & CEO at Virl Microfinance, MBA in finance from the University of Wales
Experience: 10 years in the banking sector & Micro rural lending