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TundaMax Enterprises Limited Taste the magic


Name: Reagan Abura Odongo
Title: Co-founder,C.E.O, Product Development Specialist
Background: Agronomy, Egerton University
Years Involved: 2years

Name: Martin Otieno
Title: Co-founder and Investor
Background: Accounting
Years Involved: 2years

Name: Wilson Onyango
Title: Sales and Logistics
Background: Industrial Carpentry and Joinery, Ongoing Eldoret National Polytechnic
Years: 2years

Name: Laura Anyango Okello
Title: Administrator
Background: Business Administration,Final year Maseno University
Years Involved: 4months

Name: Doreen Atieno
Title: Sales and Marketing Manager,Final year Masinde Muliro University
Background: IT
Years Involved: 2years