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Traders of Africa – TOFA TOFA is a pan African hub for facilitating trade with/within Africa

Cover image of Traders of Africa - TOFA, Agribusiness venture on VC4A

Traders of Africa – TOFA

Traders of Africa – TOFA

Traders of Africa – TOFA is a Pan African hub for facilitating trade with/within Africa through technology. We create visibility and access to African products, bridging the trust and payment terms divide that inhibit trade with and within Africa.

Our solutions include: – A pan African online marketplace for products grown, produced or manufactured in Africa ONLY.

SourcePro – An offline unit through which we are buyers to sellers operating a just in time model, our goal is to reach the over 98% of African traders who are offline in a bid to move them online.

TOFA Academy, we train farmers and prospective traders on how to supply in commercial volumes. Post-training, they are mentored for impact and monitored for success. We also offtake of all their products limiting waste.

African Trade Invest – ATI: a pan African digital platform for funding and investing in African trade. Where global investors earn a share of profit from African trade.

SectorsAgribusiness, Agritech, E-commerce
LocationLagos, Nigeria
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