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TONUS Healthy Drinks Healthy Drink's for Healthy People and for a Healthy Life ! https://tonusdrin


The project is carried by young people who have a passion for local development. All of them have a university level of education: Master in business law, PhD in economics and local development ,agronomist .Who have professional experiences, almost 10 years of professional experiences. The people who accompany this project are : executive of companies in the United States, executive at Ecobank Cameroon, another supervisor who decided to accompany us for the development of the project as a strategic adviser. Recently, the project has been selected by the Yali leadership center of Dakar for a training program of the Founder in Business and Entrepreneurship . We bring to the project our enterprise experience , our experience as manager and leader, our experience in food processing , our experience as project manager, our experience as expert in local development, we want to create added value to our local raw materials by using them to solve daily healthy problem that we all