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TOMELA Let's review our ancestral pleasures!

TOMELA is a congolese enterprise specialized in the local production of wines made from fruits of the congolese soil. Since its creation, until now, TOMELA has been marketing fresh palm wines, wines made from avocado leaves, MBILA ESOBE wines (Savannah nuts from the BATEKE plateau in the DRC) and PAKAPAKA wines (Carambola). TOMELA aims to promote the consumption of local products, especially through the professional production of ancestral recipes.

We earn money from the sale of our wines, thanks to our following economic model:
– Weekly subscription (Main economic model for our fresh palm wine consumers and monthly event organizers);
– One-time fee for purchase (during festivals or exhibitions);
– Consignment Fee Model for restaurants and some supermarkets.
Our vision is to build the largest Congolese wine company of reference through positive impact.

Sectores Alimentos y bebidas
Ubicación 24 Novembre, Congo Democrático
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