Thrift is a digital market place that helps informal retailers and their communities buy together, save together and share the value. We have witnessed the cost of food sky rocket and with this increase we have seen an equal increase in more and more and more households becoming food insecure and even more worryingly more and more people are experiencing hunger. We chose to focus our attention on the primary customer access point to basic food which is informal retailers to improve their control and leverage over consumer goods through creating a market place where we could aggregate their stocking in order to transfer that saving to their customers. We have already managed to fulfill over 400 transactions in +/- 60 days of our Live Pilot with over $2K generated in Revenue.
Sectores | Comercio electrónico, Comercio minorista, Comercio minorista y mayorista |
Ubicación | 1st Floor Legaro Properties, Sudáfrica |
Etapa | Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles |
Mercados | Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles |
Modelo de cliente | Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles |
Ingresos | Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles |
Contacto | Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles |
Medios sociales |