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The Emmanuel Ivorgba Foundation Ending hunger and poverty through Education

Cover image of The Emmanuel Ivorgba Foundation, Agroindustria venture on VC4A

The Emmanuel Ivorgba Foundation

The Emmanuel Ivorgba Foundation

The Emmanuel Ivorgba Foundation is an international non religious and non political, registered nonprofit, committed to ending hunger and poverty in Africa through investments in Education, Social entrepreneurship and youth leadership development. We support and foster social entrepreneurs as an indispensable catalyst for development, innovation and progress. The Foundation identifies, celebrates social entrepreneurs and connects them to policy makers, innovators and change agents and provides them with the tools and resources they need to solve pressing social problems.​ Our Programs spread across a variety of different fields, and have been the driving force behind the success of those in need.

Sectores Agroindustria, Educación, Salud y derechos sexuales y reproductivos
Ubicación Nigeria
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