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TasteSensationsSa Find your craving

Cover image of TasteSensationsSa, Software empresarial venture on VC4A

TasteSensationsSA will launch Africa’s First-Ever Ratings platform to Rank Eco-Friendly Takeout & Delivery Packaging. South African -based sustainability platform that can help consumers find and order to-go food from restaurants and independent sellers making Earth-friendly choices
Taste Sensations SA
Africa’sfirst-ever platform to aggregate restaurant (eat-place) ratings of their use of eco-friendly takeout and delivery packaging, with a mission, to help solve the single-use plastic crisis in the Food industry.

Taste Sensations will offer user reviews and recommendations on sustainable restaurants and independent sellers actively making Earth-friendly packaging choices while also supporting the food industry professionals to integrate more sustainable packaging practices into their businesses.

Africa’s first-ever platform to aggregate vendors ratings of their use of eco-friendly delivery packaging with a mission to help solve the single-use plastic crisis

Sectores Software empresarial, Hospitalidad, Embalaje y envases
Ubicación Sudáfrica
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