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Tambua Technologies Limited Tambua Technologies Limited


1. Joseph Mwaniki -CEO and Co-founder
Mwaniki is an award-winning founder and leader, he has led 1 NGO and 3 start-ups in the last 5 years. He won the student innovation award in 2019 from the Kenya Association of Manufacturers. With the start-up Tambua Technologies, Mwaniki led the team to win a Silver Award in CIO100 Awards 2020. Last year the other start-up Neverest also won a Bronze recognition in Africa by CIO 100 Awards 2021.
Dennis Kariuki- CTO and co-founder
Dennis is a Senior Software Engineer, over the last 8 years, Dennis has built multiple products in the tech space both in start-ups and corporates. Most of the software today built is multi-tenant making different impacts in the business world.

Here are the rest of our team members;

James Mbugua- Chief Network Engineer

Brian Ouma-Network Engineer

Mary Muchemi- Customer Support

Mercy Wambui- Sales and Marketing

Samuel Muriuki-Software Engineer

Martin Kinaru-Software Engineer