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StrikeOne We look to automate cybersecurity, streamlining their processes


Richard Borquez CEO & CCO: 30 + years of technical and commercial experience, training Engineer in Information Execution; 10 + years in front of procurement areas for large companies; Over 20 years in the commercial area-managing high performance equipment.
Sebastian Yoma: CTO 20 + years in the field of cybersecurity; served as Cybersecurity Manager for distinguished companies; organizer of the BSIDES Chile conference; developed open source cybersecurity tools (YCBFREE); multiple product certifications; Diplomated in Cybersecurity and Intelligence Strategy at Cybercrime. Hector Norambuena COO: Engineer execution in computer science with more than 30 years of experience in areas of communications, networks, information security and cybersecurity; experience in different industries (Defense, ISP, Banking, etc.); More than 10 years working in the educational area as a professor of data networks, data communication and