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Spots Matching parking lot owners with users looking for parking spots

Cover image of Spots, Transport and logistics venture on VC4A



Car parking is a major problem in urban areas in both developed and developing countries.
Tunis suffers from a parking problem, particularly in the hyper-center and in certain peripheral cities, with high urban density. Against the absence, or even the limited capacity of car parks, finding a parking space is a real headache for citizens.
that’s why we’re building Spots.
Spots offers a bilateral solution which consists of guaranteeing drivers in the first place the opportunity to reserve in advance the nearest parking spot to their destination, and secondly, allowing local homeowners and business owners to exploit their empty car spaces.
Parking will only become a bigger issue as time goes on. here in tunisia we have found that we have only 10000 parking spots for 600K cars in circulation.
spots aims to create more than 30K extra parking lots in Grand-Tunis and to maximize efficiency of
existing infrastructure.

SectorsTransport and logistics
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