sosocare Sosocare accept cash or Trash to finance microhealth insurance premium


We have a team of diverse people with over 35 years combined experience in management, technology, waste recycling & insurance, health management, sales experience and finance
Nonso Opurum (CEO), BA, MBA UK. over 5 years experience Banking, journalism and tech startup. he was an informal pension sale rep at ARM Pension. As a journalist he worked with UNIDO for quality regulation of infrastructure in ECOWAS which included health and pharma products on consumer confidence. He cofounded maiyegundairy – a blog with 200,000 follower’s in governance in Africa
Victor Olawale (CTO) BSC is Software With over 5 years of experience in the field he has handled many projects and multiple fullstack technologies.
Veronica Agana (Product manager) : Bsc,MBA. has over 12 years experience in HMO, waste management
Ben offor: BSC, service manager MBA. 6 years in insurance.