SOSias Ocio Valioso All we are equal is that we are different

Cover image of SOSias Ocio Valioso, Educational products venture on VC4A

SOSias Ocio Valioso

SOSias Ocio Valioso

We carry out activities where the dignity of the person is rescued, generating encounters through the game, the dialogue, unforgettable moments that allow the development of self-esteem, the culture of encounter and peace. SOSias are governed in the conviction that diversity in our society enriches us. For this reason, we work with people living and living with intellectual disabilities and their inclusion with groups of their age.

We drive inclusion spaces where we create positive experiences for transformation and empowerment. To achieve this, we support ourselves in leisure activities that strengthen independence, self-sufficient and self-Esteem. Because we all have the right to a happy and full life.

SectorsEducational products, Educational services, Events
LocationCiudad de México, Mexico
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