Sonrisas Sin Fronteras SAPI de CV (BIODENT) Hacer de la salud dental un derecho de todos

Cover image of Sonrisas Sin Fronteras SAPI de CV (BIODENT), Servicios educativos venture on VC4A

Biodent offers private dental care at affordable prices in Oaxaca one of the poorest states in Mexico. We operate 4 high volume clinics where a broad kind of dental services are offered, from a simple filling to an all on 4 implant procedure. Biodent attends from a 6 month new born baby to +85 years old. We partnered with local financial companies to offer more possibilities to patients to pay their treatments. Biodent also works on the prevention side offering free dental health education in elementary school. Since 2010 we have attended 150k patients and educated 175k children. In México +80% of the population has some kind of dental illness, at the age of 50 years old the average Mexican has lost 12 teeth, dental illness and lost teeth are directly related to several diseases likes diabetes, hypertension, gastrointestinal problems, even COVID-19. Public dental care only covers basic afflictions. Quality private dental care in available only in large cities to high income people.

SectoresServicios educativos, Proveedores y servicios sanitarios
UbicaciónOaxaca de Juárez, México
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