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Soluna Energia Soluna Energía provides reliable and affordable rural electrification


Soluna was founded in 2020 as a joint venture between Iluméxico, a solar energy provider in Mexico, and Hybrytec, a major solar energy company in Colombia. Over ten years, Iluméxico has installed 25,000 solar home systems across 3,000 communities in rural México and was Net Income positive starting in 2017. Hybrytec, on the other hand, with 13 years of experience, has benefited more than 60,000 people and has a total installed capacity of over 30MWp. Soluna was created to capitalize on the knowledge of both companies and create a profitable last-mile social enterprise.

In Soluna, our team members are compromised with social and environmental change, willing to travel to remote regions in Colombia to contribute to the transformation of our country.