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Soilgenic Nutrients Inc. Focused on Climate Smart Technologies

Cover image of Soilgenic Nutrients Inc., Agribusiness venture on VC4A

Soilgenic is a Cleantech company focused on C02 mitigation and reducing environmental impact in agriculture and the energy industry.
Soilgenic is developing a green ammonia technology that will be significant to the industry to replace the carbon intensive Haber Bosch process that emits 450 MMT / Year of C02.

Our Intensify™ – Electrochemical Technology is based on the patents of our founder & CTO who developed the leading Carbon Capture technology. During the Carbon Capture development, he brought in Dr Stephen Chu (Nobel prize in Physics) who served as Secretary of Energy in the first Obama administration.

Nitrogen stabilization technologies will reduce environmental loss of nitrogen at a significantly lower cost allowing for rapid adoption.

Food Waste is also recycled through RNG / Fertilizer technology that allows for local energy and fertilizer production while increasing food security and job creation.

SectorsAgribusiness, Biofuels, Clean technology and energy
LocationOkotoks, Canada
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