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Société Lahfas sarl SLTD

Cover image of Société Lahfas sarl, Agroindustria venture on VC4A

Our project is the enhancement of local products our objectives are: Objective 1 Expansion of activities: Increase in the production and distribution of local products. Expanding the range of products to meet local needs Objective 2 Consolidation of partnerships: Strengthened alliances with regional players such as local farmers, local markets and government agencies Objective 3 Certification: Acquisition of recognised certifications for the quality and durability of our products. Strengthening consumer confidence Objective 4 Integration of technologies: Investment in modern technological solutions such as precision farming, efficient irrigation systems and renewable energies. Reducing the environmental footprint

Sectores Agroindustria, Cultivos agrícolas
Ubicación Ksar Beni Ozayem, Reino De Marruecos
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