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Smokeless Briqquttes Energy Solutions Providing Eco-Friendly and Affordable Cooking Solutions in Africa


Name: Eunice Adewale
Position: Co-Founder/CEO
Education: BSc Botany
Experience: 4yrs.

Name: Grace Balogun
Position: Co-Founder/Head of Operations
Education: MSc Botany
Experience: 3yrs.

Name: Nnamdi Ude
Position: C.T.O
Education: Masters in Electrical Electronics
Experience: 5yrs as Biomass installation Expert

Name: Kenneth Uche
Position: Project Manager
Education: MSc Agric Engineering
Experience: 4yrs.

1. Dr Micheal Opkobi: Mentor and Coach
2. Dr Victory Osayi: H.O.D Department Electrical Electronics FUTA
3. Dr Racheal Afolabi: Supervisor

I have over 4 years’ management experience in renewable energy Biomass production, rural logistics, distribution, business processes and technical skills in clean energy solutions. My Co-Founder/Project Manager has 4 years’ experience. He is a certified project manager with core experience in the renewable energy sector. Our C.T.O has Ph.D. (in View) in Electrical Electronics Engineering from