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SmartFish En smartfish somos amantes del pescado y protectores del ecosistema

Cover image of SmartFish, Agricultura animal venture on VC4A



SmartFish makes fishermen earn more by fishing less, thus breaking the negative cycle of overexploitation and poverty, improving the quality of life of the fishing communities and the health of the Mexican seas, allowing consumers to make purchases that contribute to the sustainability of the marine ecosystems and the welfare of Mexican artisanal fishermen.
– only sells certified responsible caught seafood, processed by artisanal fishing communities following the highest standards of quality.
– pays prices up to 100% higher than those of the market.
– encourages fishing cooperatives to improve their fishing and processing practices.
– shortens the value chain, deals directly with the customer and maintains competitive prices.
The increased demand for socially responsible and environmentally sustainable products, allows us to work with more communities and increase the impact we have, on fishermen, the health of the Mexican seas and on the homes of our clients.

Sectores Agricultura animal, Piscicultura, Comercio minorista y mayorista
Ubicación Ciudad de México, México
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