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Sistegra We convert worker data into predictive models of occupational health.


The team has two founders, one dedicated full time to Sistegra and the other part time, both have another advertising and marketing Startup, Lina Maria Sierra is a lawyer, specialist in labor law and social security, specializing in human resources, master’s degree in human development and MBA. Mateo Radi is a business administrator specializing in marketing. Next to the co-founders there are 6 leaders (BPO Coordinator, Commercial Coordinator, Project Manager, Marketing Coordinator, CTO, and Technological Scaling Finance Advisor, the entire team is entrepreneurial and dedicated full time to the organization, many of them had or they have health and technology ventures of which they are partners. In addition, there is a board of directors made up of important entrepreneurs in the country and investment fund leaders who help Sistegra plan its strategy and scale.