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SinglePay Technologies Simple. Secure. Fast

Cover image of SinglePay Technologies, Agribusiness venture on VC4A

SinglePay Technologies

SinglePay Technologies

SinglePay is an app that gives customers access to fresh products and make payments for free and also give farmers and other sellers access to the larger online market and give them better lives.. With SinglePay ,customers are to Video-Call the seller and see the real products the seller is selling. The buyer can see if the products are fresh ,their real size and even weight. On our website ,we show the day the groceries was posted to the platform, their temperature, recipes and even suggestions on other dishes that it can be prepared with.
In making payments, customers can send and receive money and payments for free via phone numbers and email addresses. They can also pay for physical groceries and other shopping by scanning the sellers unique QR CODE for free. They can also pay for bills and even hire a house help.

SectorsAgribusiness, Fintech, Retail
LocationMombasa, Kenya
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