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SHINBRANDS Shinbrands is a bagmaking company in Nigeria

Cover image of SHINBRANDS, Servicios empresariales venture on VC4A

SHINBRANDS is a leather fashion accessories company dedicated to producing top notch made in Nigeria leather bags capable of competing with international designers in terms of Quality, craft and style. SHINBRANDS deals with the production of these bags from locally sourced materials.
Currently we have produced over 10,000 bags that have gained acceptance nationwide and we are looking into expanding our reach both to other parts of Africa and beyond which will improve the Economic development of Nigeria as well as. Providing employment opportunities for youths in Africa.

We have successfully carried out our target market research and have carefully crafted designs that suit each of our target market.

We are currently partnering with ecommerce platforms and retailing shops to showcase our products thereby increasing our sales.

Sectores Servicios empresariales, Moda, Comercio mayorista
Ubicación ara station Okesa, Nigeria
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