TeamProf Conrad Matthee, CEO, with more than a decade of experience as Head of Department of Botany and Zoology of Stellenbosch University, ensures unity and good communication among the team members, but also actively assists in the raise of funds and interactions with clients. Dr Sara Andreotti COO, is a marine biologist specialized in white shark’s research, she focuses on the PR and on bringing the SSB technology to the global market. Eng Laurie Barwell, Chief Technology Officer, is an experienced coastal engineer who is leading the ongoing R&D on the product, the preparation of quotes and tenders and external funding applications. Anita Nel and Nolene Singh represent Stellenbosch University Enterprises, they assist with legal advises and strategy around the protection of the IP. Anthony Mederer is an experienced CEO who is advising on effective business practice, financial options, customers service and contributing to improve the Company’s PR.