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Rurusi How far tomatoes are measured


Rurusi is made up of Luz Hernández, Alejandro Melendez, Alan Chavero and Roberto Rodríguez, who integrate an inclusive and diverse work team that understands the needs of the most vulnerable sectors through documentary and field research, proposing solutions based on technological innovation and user experience bringing technology closer to sectors that do not have the possibility to easily access issues of social, economic and/or cultural origin. Alejandro, a bilingual student of industrial engineering at the Instituto Tecnológico de Chihuahua Mx, with four years of experience as a programmer; Alan, an engineer in computational systems and a professor by ITESHU, Maestrante in Admon. of the TI by the Uni. of Celaya Mx, 10 years of experience in entrepreneurship; Light student of engineering in administration in ITESHU and; Roberto Licencado in Administration, Master in Strategic Administration and Doctorant in Administration and Management by UNICEBA Mx.